Monday, April 23, 2012

Get it done ....

All throughout  ones day we have opportunities to get jobs done.   We have a choice ... do we want to do it right or do it the hard way.  Usually doing it the hard way is doing it without instruction= In ones self- making much more work for the person later or person(s) to fix it. 

Simple as doing dishes... Cleaning them right the first time, or as you are putting them away,  they are still dirty. You have to take more time out and re-wash them. 

See simple jobs can turn into more work than what needs to be.

God is so Good !!!!

He has given us His own instruction book.  He shows us the way we should live in order to operate in a life of Love,Peace, Joy, Protection ...etc.  

He does Love us : )

The Great thing is even if we make a mistake- His Grace is there !!! He isn't angry, He says "It's Ok, Try again"  And, when we follow Him-Listen to Him it will be done right !!!

The word says,“Everything I lay my hand to prospers and succeeds!” (Deuteronomy 28:8)

Guess what ?!?!

I choose to read the instruction book- The Living Word of God a.k.a. - the BIBLE and be a doer of it -(John 13:17)

Let's do our work right the first time !!!!